The One Strategy My Client Used To Explode Her Email List Organically with Bree Boucher

I often talk about the importance of having an email list…

Let me tell you – when my Instagram account was taken down last year I was super grateful for my email list!

If you want to scale your spiritual business you need to focus on nurturing and growing it especially if you intend on launching a group program.

So imagine how it would feel to grow your email list ORGANICALLY to over 4000 subscribers. 

In today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m speaking to my Mistressmind client Bree Boucher about how she grew her email list from 60 to now over 4000 using this one organic strategy.

Let me officially introduce you to Bree

Bree Boucher is a NLP, Clinical Hypnosis and EFT (Tapping) Practitioner. A Coach, Strategist and Mentor.

As an Introvert Launch Coach, Bree works exclusively with Introverted Creatives, Coaches and Consultants to scale their business with collaboration bundles and launches that convert into high impact group programs and courses. 

Bree is the host of free Facebook group Bundles of Bundles, memberships Bundle Better, Collab Better and Launch Like an Introvert, plus she’s the creator of the innovative Bundle (flip)Book™

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire

  • The organic strategy Bree used to grow her email like to over 4000 subscribers 

  • How Bree’s business model has shifted and evolved and how she decides which strategies to focus on 

  • The inspiration for Bree’s 100 days to 100k challenge and what have been her biggest learnings so far 

Connect with Bree


The Biggest Barrier To Growth & Why You Need To Get Over Your Own BS


BTS of Launching the Spiritual Business Mistressmind with my Content Manager, Tahryn Bolt