The Biggest Barrier To Growth & Why You Need To Get Over Your Own BS

Strap yourself in for a spicy episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast. 

This Aries woman is here to light a fire under you and get you moving – just in time for the start of Aries season.

My aim is to help get you out of your own way and just cut the crap.

Because, honestly, we’re our own worst enemies sometimes and this can become a big barrier to you stepping into your next-level business vision.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast it’s time to cut BS because I know you have incredible gifts to share and you’re here to create an impact – so let’s clear the biggest barrier holding you back from doing that.  

If you’ve been feeling like things are hard, maybe you’re not where you want to be in business or you feel like you “should” be further along than where you are – I wanna chat about this.

So let’s dive in. 

You’re capable, independent, empowered and driven…

But because of this you might also feel like you “should” be able to do this on your own. 

You “should” be able to build your business, grow your business, scale and do all of the things – because you’ve got this, right? You don’t need anyone else.

Thinking you “should” be able to do everything on your own is stunting your business growth. 

I know this because this was me.

If there's one thing I could change about my business journey – I would have invested in a business coach earlier. I didn’t invest in a coach, not properly anyway, until 3 and a half years into my business. 

Now I’ve shared this on the podcast before but I haven’t shared a lot of the back story and WHY I did that – what was actually driving that decision and as holding me back from getting that support that in retrospect I so obviously needed.

I want to caveat this with – I’m in no way making myself wrong about that and I do believe it’s all part of the journey and I learnt so much during that time in my business. But perhaps if I’d heard a podcast like this, I would’ve moved through it faster. I’m sharing now what I needed to hear then.

So let me paint a picture for you…

I started my business in March 2016. Yes, 8 years ago!

Back then, in 2016, I was working in the community sector full time. I was studying interior design at night, 2 nights a week. I was a food and travel blogger on the side. And I’d recently completed my training as a reiki healer. So I had a very full plate - perfect time to start a business, right? 

I remember the conversation with my husband where I was like, I think I want to start making candles and he was like, maybe you should finish your interior design diploma first? And then promptly bought a candle making kit online that we could test out together because he knew there was now way I was going to wait.

So I started my business at that time. I did pretty much everything myself, I built my website, my brother designed my logo and our first candle labels. I started doing reiki healings on the weekends - I’d kick Matt out of our one bedroom apartment and I’d set the massage table up in our living room and create a beautiful sacred space. When I launched the candles, I put together a launch party at a cafe that one of my friends owned. I invited all my friends and family, including my blogging influencer friends who posted about it and shared it far and wide.

Reflecting back on it – it was so fun and I loved it BUT I was doing everything myself.

I was piecing together a strategy based on what I already knew and what I could learn from free webinars or training, the online courses I’d taken myself and what I was seeing others doing online. 

Here’s what I did have going for me…

As a blogger, I’d already built 2 websites for my blog. So building my first website for my business was pretty easy. I was also dabbling in food and travel photography by this point so I could take some pretty good quality photos and I had also been on social media for a number of years for my blog. So building something online wasn’t new for me. I had some skills in that space.

I’d also been watching and witnessing my mum build up her spiritual business that she started when I was in my late teens. I was in my mid twenties when I started my business so she’d been in business for quite a few years at that point and I’d been helping her out with her branding and her photos and her social media for a lot of that time. Mum was essentially my first business coaching client – we just didn’t necessarily call it that at that time.

So all of that to say, I wasn’t going into my business blind. And while there were many advantages to that, it also meant that I thought I knew more than I did. Maybe that’s a little harsh, but because I had this experience and these skills that were definitely transferable and gave me a good leg up – I also felt like I “should” be able to do it on my own.

So that’s what I did – I did everything on my own, I pieced together a strategy based on pulling bits and pieces from everywhere and I built it up. I got to a point 18 months after starting my business where I could quit my day job and go full time. 

The turning point for me…

When I quit my day job and  went all in on coaching and mentoring.

Up until that point, I’d been selling my candles, doing reiki healings, running women’s circles and workshops. I knew when I went full time that I’d have the time and space to take the business in a more sustainable direction. So I trained as an NLP performance coach, I started my Facebook group, I ran my first ever challenge and then short online group program and then launched my 1:1 coaching offer.

And still I was doing everything on my own. 

I think I invested in a couple of short courses here and there. I had ONE 1:1 session with a friend who had just launched her business coaching offer. But for the most part it was me and my laptop in my one bedroom apartment doing it all on my own. Coasting along, doing okay, but not great.

The reason I didn’t invest in support sooner is because…

I honestly felt like I didn’t NEED the help. I knew the things. I’d learnt the things. I’d taught myself the things. I just needed to implement the things that I already knew.

And that’s the key right there – IMPLEMENTATION

Trust me, you can KNOW a lot about how to build an online business, the strategies that are available to you, the different business models, types of offers, platforms, how to create content, etc.

But if you’re not implementing that in a strategic way that drives results. If you don’t have someone who can reflect back to you where your blindspots are. If you’re trying all the things, hoping that something sticks, that you finally hit those goals and reach that place in your business where it’s sustainable and abundant…

I mean, the quote “what got you here, won’t get you there” comes to mind. 

This was me at this point in time. I was building some good foundations and some solid business assets, but I was also doing too much, I wasn’t dialled in on my genius yet, I had lots of different offers, I was working with clients but I was doing lots of different things and there wasn’t an overall cohesion to my business or my business model.

But I finally invested in the ongoing support of a coach right after my first son Noah was born. 

He was 6 or 7 weeks old when I joined a 6 month mastermind. I remember it felt wild at the time to be making that investment at that point – like I was a first time mum with a newborn baby. 

But it also felt so right. I’d already decided that my business was getting a glow up. I was working with a designer to uplevel my branding while I was on maternity leave. And I’d finally just reached that point where I was sick of my own BS.

I knew that the mindset I had of “I should be able to do it on my own” was holding me back.

That was late 2019. Following on from there, with the support of my coach, I got much clearer on not just who I was here to serve but also how I could build out my business model to be more sustainable. 

My business went through a massive evolution in 2020, I went all in on supporting all the spiritual business owners in my community to move their businesses online during covid and I came out the other side of that year having had my biggest year in business ever – which blew my mind. 2020 was a challenging year for the entire world. I was a new mum and I’d just exploded my business.

But I didn’t do it alone. 

I finally got over myself and invested in support… 

Support that would help me bring together everything I already knew in a way that was strategic and made sense for me, my personality, my values, my expertise and my season of life. 

That was the missing piece for me. I did know a lot. But I couldn’t necessarily see how to bring that all together and implement it in a way that drove the results I wanted. I was stuck at a certain level and I couldn’t get past that.

And the mindset that I “should” be able to do it on my own, was the thing that was keeping me there.

I needed to get over that and get out of my own way, invest in support, use that support and lo and behold, I hit that next level.

Now I know I’m a business coach, so I am obviously a fan of having a business coach. I am still working with that same business coach 4 and a half years later. Shout out to you Ellie.

I’m sharing this with you because I know that I’m not alone in this experience. 

I have now supported hundreds of women in my 8 years in business – as a coach, as a healer, as a sacred space holder. I know that as women the biggest barrier to growth and reaching our goals is most often staring back at us in the mirror.

And as high achieving go getting women – we have this tendency to want to prove ourselves. Like, look at me doing this thing all on my own.

But newsflash, there are no awards for doing it on your own. You are just making things harder for yourself and pushing out that timeline by thinking you “should” be able to.

I know you know things. You have a wealth of knowledge. But you don’t have to do it alone.

So in a nutshell, and I say this with so much love, but the biggest barrier to your growth right now is likely you and your own BS. 

You don’t need to do it alone, and just because you can doesn’t mean you should. 

Join the Spiritual Business Mistressmind

If you want to collapse the timeline around getting the results you want – finally having your first 6 figure year, consistent 10k+ months, the freedom and lifestyle that you desire – get support. 

And if you’re like “YES BEC, I’m ready!” – the doors to the next round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind are open.

This is my 6 month mastermind for spiritual women who are ready to scale their businesses and grow to consistent 10k+ months while staying grounded in their values, spirituality and purpose.

Perfect for you if you’re at the same point I was – you’ve built some of those foundations but you’re stuck at a certain level and not getting anywhere fast. 

I KNOW it’s a big decision and it feels hard to invest at this stage…

BUT I also know that this is the time where there’s a difference between the people who go it alone and the people who invest.

If you want to grow and create those results – a coach is going to help you get there faster. 

I would obviously LOVE to have you in the Spiritual Business Mistressmind – find out more at


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