The Secret To Crafting In-Demand Offers That Create Consistent Cash

One of the keys to creating consistent cash in your business is consistent sales. 

And it’s wayyyy easier to make consistent sales when you’ve got a hot in-demand offer!

An offer that people actually want and need – one that’s a full body “YES PLEASE, I need that in my life, please take my money!!”

And even better if that offer is one that keeps them continually coming back for more. Hello, consistent cash!

So how do you create an offer like that? What’s the SECRET?

Because I know it can often feel like there IS a secret. 

You see business owners whose offers sell like hot cakes – they always seem to be selling out within minutes or consistently fully booked with a long waitlist. How do they do it? What’s their secret?

Well that’s what I’m going to share with you on today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast – how to craft an in-demand offer that creates consistent cash.

Now SPOILER ALERT – the secret is that there is no actual secret. But there IS one very simple, very specific thing you need to craft an in-demand offer, as well as some things to consider when wanting to craft an offer that brings in cash consistently.

I know this because, over the last 7+ years in business, I’ve supported my clients to create offers in this way – offers that get them fully booked with dream clients, create consistent cash months and grow their income. 

And I’ve also done this in my own business too. Now I want to share it with you.

So what is the secret? What’s the ONE thing you need to craft an in demand offer?

It’s going to sound super basic – but it comes down to the desires of your soulmate clients. 

In order for an offer to be hot and in-demand –  it has to provide a solution that your ideal soulmate clients are willing to pay money for. It has to be something they want and value. They have to value the solution or transformation you’re offering enough to pay for it.

Let me give you an example from my own life and business. 

I recently invested in a digital decluttering service to clean up and consolidate my Google Drive storage.

My Google Drive has been in need of a clean up for a long while now. Our files were, for the most part, organised, but we didn’t have any kind of process for managing the AMOUNT of files we were storing and we had files across multiple Drives that we never consolidated as the business evolved.

Decluttering and consolidating the Google Drives have been on our to do list for years. So it’s safe to say, I’ve NEEDED this service for a little while now. But initially my plan was to do it in house. It’s something that I could do easily. It’s something that my VA could do too. But for years, it’s never been a priority. There’s inevitably always something else more important than cleaning up the Google Drive and up until recently, it wasn’t impacting the business or my life too much. So even though we arguably needed this service, it wasn’t a priority for me. I didn’t VALUE it.

So why invest now? Well in recent months, we started reaching capacity for storage across ALL of our Google Drives. The option was to pay for more storage, which would’ve been the quicker fix but ultimately not solved the overall problem OR invest in getting it sorted long term and creating a process that we can follow as a team to keep the Google Drives clean, tidy and clutter free from now into the future. And after 3 years of intending to do it in house, I realised that was likely never going to happen. Suddenly, it became more of a priority and I therefore VALUED the outcome enough to pay for it.

The truth is, if someone had offered me this service 3 years ago, or even 1 year ago, I probably wouldn’t have bought it. I didn’t value it enough to pay for it. But now I did.

The point is…if you want to create in-demand offers – your people have to VALUE and DESIRE the solution that you’re offering enough to pay for it.

So often I’ll have conversations with clients who will say “I’ve got this idea for a new offer and I’m feeling really excited about it, I’m feeling really lit up about creating it, what do you think?” 

Firstly, being lit up by your offers is great, we want you to be lit up by the offers you’re creating, because otherwise what’s the point? But it ALSO needs to be something that your ideal clients actually want and are willing to pay you for. 

Even if you KNOW it’s something that will help them. Even if you KNOW it’s something they need.

If they don’t VALUE it. If they don’t WANT it. If they’re not willing to pay money for it, they simply won’t buy it. 

So yes, let’s create offers that light you up and excite you, but let’s ALSO create offers that sell.

The ONE very specific thing you need to know is what your people want and value – and craft your offer so that it solves a problem they are willing to pay for.

That’s the secret to creating an in-demand offer.

Sometimes this is something you go looking for. You purposefully go out with the intention of I’m going to create a new offer and I need to go out to identify what it is your people are looking for right now. 

And other times it’s something that you, as the business owner, kind of stumble upon. You identify it as a desire and need within your community through the day-to-day of running your business. 

This is how my program Confident Consistent Cash was born.

Earlier this year I realised through conversations I was having during the Spiritual Business Mistressmind launch, that a lot of people were in this space of wanting to invest in their business and get the support they knew they needed – but they weren’t quite ready for a high level mastermind as they weren’t yet making consistent sales in their business.

And the *thing* that was holding them back in business was not having consistent cash flow, but there weren’t any offers pitched to them at a level and price point that made sense for them.

They wanted the support of a coach, they knew they needed it, they VALUED it – but there wasn’t anything available to them at the level they needed. There wasn’t a solution to their problem.

So I created it. 

I crafted it in a way that would support them to get the results they desired but was also at a more accessible price point that made sense for them. I wanted to still be able to deliver a hands-on personalised experience because I knew that’s what they needed, but packaged up in a way that was way more affordable than a high ticket mastermind or 1:1 coaching container. This is why Confident Consistent Cash is a group coaching program with a community space to ask questions and receive personalised support from me.

And crafting it in this way meant that when I launched it earlier this year for the first time, it was a 5 figure launch.

Because I knew what my people wanted. I knew what they were willing to pay for. And I created it.

That is the secret.

The second part to this is looking at how your offer can create CONSISTENT cash.

Is it a one-off product or service that they buy once and they’re done, see you later?

OR is there an opportunity to craft an offer that is not only IN-DEMAND but also brings in cash consistently?

Offers that create CONSISTENT cash are ones that allow your people to pay you over a longer period of time. Offers that bring in monthly recurring revenue. 

This might look like:

  • Creating a longer 1:1 or group container where you can support people on a journey from A to B and they can pay up front OR on a payment plan.

  • A lower cost membership style offer

  • An ongoing done-for-you service

  • Some other kind of packaged offer

Get creative with what this looks like. And again always come back to what your clients want and value.

To give you another example of creating consistent cash from your offers 

Say you’re a photographer and you notice that the same people who book a maternity photoshoot while pregnant then book a newborn photoshoot once the baby is born and then down the track book a family photoshoot to capture their growing family. 

Well this is interesting isn’t it. Your people obviously want and value having photos taken over this period of time, capturing this journey and season of life. 

So you being the savvy business owner you are, decide to package this up to encourage more people to do the same and create a maternity, newborn and family photography package that takes place across the span of a year. 

What’s great about this is that it’s delivering something you know your clients want, so you know your people are willing to pay for it AND it’s creating consistent cash because it's extending out the lifetime value of that client.

So what could this look like for you?

How are you going to create an IN-DEMAND offer that brings in CONSISTENT cash to your business?

Join Confident Consistent Cash

This is what I support my clients to do inside Confident Consistent Cash. 

There are 8 modules that we flow through over our 4 months together including a module on creating profitable offers that bring in CONSISTENT cash to your business.

So if you want support with THIS exact thing plus everything else you need to get to that next level and create a business that brings in cash consistently, then this is the program for you.

You get:

  • 4 months of coaching with me

  • 8 group coaching calls (2 per month)

  • 8 modules of pre-recorded trainings, resources and tools, everything to support you to create consistent cash in your biz

  • A Group Slack channel for support and questions between calls

This is THE program to join if creating consistent cash flow is on your vision board for 2024. Being a 4 month program we get to end the year together, have a break over Christmas and New Years, and then kick off the year with a bang!

The next round kicks off on 20th November 2023 – It's going to be amazing and I can’t wait.

You can find out more at 


How To Stay Regulated & Calm On The Path To Consistent Cash with Kate Mungoven


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