The 3 Biggest Mistakes When Launching Your Group Program

Your girl has been around the launch block more than a few times in my 8 years in business. 

And in that time, I’ve learnt a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to planning and executing a successful launch (both financially as well as feeling easeful and spacious).

Most often when I chat with spiritual business owners who don’t like launching – it’s because they feel overwhelmed, exhausted and deflated by their past launch experiences. They often feel like they’ve put in ALL this effort for little return and they’re thinking, what’s the point?

Sound familiar?

Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat it – launching does take work and it does require a bit more from you energetically in terms of your time and effort.

BUT I’m a firm believer that it doesn’t have to be exhausting or overwhelming or burnout inducing.

Launching can be more easeful and spacious…IF you make it that way.

And there’s some key mistakes you need to avoid in order to make that happen. 

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m sharing the 3 biggest mistakes spiritual business owners make when launching group programs. 

So let’s dive in.

Mistake #1: You don’t give yourself enough time

This is a biggie. If you want an easeful, spacious AND successful launch. You’ve gotta give yourself enough time to plan and get the ball rolling.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of moving on an idea and making shit happen. But if you decide today that you want to launch your group program within the next few weeks OR you wait to plan out your launch with only a few weeks to go – I am sorry not sorry to say that you’re setting yourself up for a pretty stressful time.

A few weeks is just not long enough to plan and execute an easeful, spacious launch. 

Will it be successful? Well, that’ll depend on what you’ve been doing in the lead up. 

But I can pretty much guarantee you’ll feel rushed, stressed and overwhelmed if you don’t give yourself enough time.

To give you an example of my launch timeline:

It’s February, we’re currently in launch for the April round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind and we’ve been planning this launch since late last year. We also already know our launch dates for the rest of 2024 and I’m already deciding on the details for our next launch in May.

So as you can see, we plan our launches months in advance. 

Sometimes there are smaller details that still need to come together in the weeks leading up, but we have a plan mapped out months ahead of time which means we’ve got the spaciousness to decide on those smaller details in an easeful, stress-free way.

So don’t make the mistake of not giving yourself enough time. Take the time to properly plan out your launch so you’re not rushed, stressed or overwhelmed. This will make it so much more easeful and spacious AND you’ll then see this reflected in your sales numbers as a result.

When you plan ahead, you won’t be running around like a headless chook doing ALL of the things at the last minute and you’ll have more time and energy to devote to getting visible and showing up to sell during your launch. Hello, more sales!

Mistake #2: You don’t have a pre-launch phase

Now this can be a symptom of not giving yourself enough time – because you just simply haven’t given yourself enough time for a pre-launch phase, you haven’t planned for it so you go straight into launch and you open the doors without giving your audience ANY warning.

It’s just like “surprise, here’s my new group program, come and buy it” and then you wonder why you get crickets?

It’s because you haven’t “warmed up” your audience during a pre-launch phase.

This is why I said before that your success will depend on what you’ve been doing in the lead up to your launch. Successful launches are built on what happens BEFORE you open the doors.

If you’ve been consistently…

  • sharing valuable content that serves your ideal client (specifically your ideal client FOR your group program)

  • speaking to their challenges and desires

  • talking about your group program and how amazing it is

  • sharing testimonials and client results

…your audience will be much more receptive once you do officially open the doors. 

If you haven’t done any of that in the lead up, if you haven’t had a pre-launch phase – then it's going to be a much harder slog.

So don’t make this mistake. When you’re planning out your launch – build in your pre-launch phase. It will make your open cart period so much more easeful.

Mistake #3: You don’t stay IN your launch energetically

So this is a mistake that occurs once you’ve opened the doors. And I see this a lot. 

You’re all excited and pumped up about your incredible group program, you’ve got everything ready to go for launch, you’ve shown up during your pre-launch phase, you open the doors, you make a few sales initially, amazing! 

And then you hit your first snag. You have a lull in sales. Your mindset gets wobbly. And you start leaning OUT when really you need to be leaning IN.

This often looks like thinking about and focusing on the next thing that you’re planning on doing and offering AFTER this launch. You check out and your energy flows away from your current launch and onto the next thing.

If you find yourself doing this – I want you to know that this is your ego’s way of keeping you safe. 

The thinking is usually something like: “if I don’t give it my all, then when it fails, I can blame it on that. Because if I give it my all and then it fails, what does that say about me and my program and my business?” 

It’s classic self sabotage and fear of failure.

The good news is that once you know it, you can’t un-know it. Awareness is the first step. And then you can change accordingly.

You need to stay IN your launch energetically.

Do the mindset work you need to do to do so. Rather than leaning out when things feel hard or you hit a bump in the road, lean in. 

I stand by the belief that business is 90% a mindset game. If you can do this and avoid this one mistake, it will change the game when it comes to launching your group programs. 

Join the Spiritual Business Mistressmind

Now if you are looking to scale your business through group programs this year, then I am so excited to let you know that doors are now open for the next round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

This is my 6 month mastermind for spiritual women who are ready to scale their businesses and grow to consistent 10k+ months while staying grounded in their values, spirituality and purpose.

Women who’ve built the rock solid foundations of their business, and are ready to take it to the next level.

Over our 6 months together I’ll walk alongside you as your coach and mentor, and share with you the strategies, tools, resources and practices that I’ve used to scale my business to six-figures, and have supported my clients to build abundant, sustainable businesses that they love.

We start Tuesday 2nd April and we’re already over 30% sold out with the most amazing women.

If 2024 is the year you take your business to the next level, then I’d love to support you to do that. 

Find out more at


BTS of Launching the Spiritual Business Mistressmind with my Content Manager, Tahryn Bolt


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