The Number 1 Mindset Shift To Grow To Consistent Cash

When you’re working towards creating consistent cash in your business…

There’s an important mindset piece that comes into play.

Without it, you’ll find it hard to grow to consistent cash months in your business.

Now if you’re a long time listener of the Feminine Fire podcast you’ll know that mindset is something I talk about all the time. 

It’s one of the three pillars of my signature framework and for good reason – I’m reminded time and again just how important mindset is both for myself and my clients. You can have the best, most solid strategy ever but if you don’t have your mindset on board, it won’t matter. Your strategy needs to be backed up by a solid mindset.

Your mindset is what supports you to show up and make the magic happen. You want to be moving from a place that’s grounded in confidence and self trust – not from a place of fear and self doubt.

So like anything in business, when it comes to growing to consistent cash months – your mindset is key.

In today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m sharing the #1 mindset shift you need to make if you want consistent cash in your business.

So let’s begin.

Why Mindset + Consistency = Spacious, sustainable business

When clients first come to me, they’ve often been doing things the same way for a long time, sometimes years and years. They’re often on this hamster wheel, going around and around, doing the same thing over and over with no long term plan, with no clear way off that hamster wheel. Their income is up and down, their energy is up and down and the way they feel about their business is up and down.

Now in my experience this often happens when your business model isn’t geared towards creating consistent cash. For example, you might be offering single 1:1 sessions or one-off group classes, and you might find yourself feeling the pressure to constantly be creating something new.

This kind of business model is exhausting. The energy required to maintain this is constant and taxing, and you either end up on that never ending income roller coaster with no way off OR you end up burning out – or worse, both.

What you need is more CONSISTENCY.

Consistency is key to a spacious, sustainable business. It literally feels like a breath of fresh air after being in that constant churn.

And trust me – I know.

Before I grew to consistent cash months in my business, this is where I was at. I was selling one-off single sessions with clients. I felt the constant pressure to bring in more clients and make more sales. It wasn’t sustainable and I knew I needed to make a change.

Because that’s what’s required here. When you’ve been doing things the same way for a long time and not seeing the results you desire, it takes thinking differently and looking at your business in a different way.

You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. If you want a different result, you’ve gotta do things differently.

Strategy-wise that will require making some changes in your business model, your offers and your pricing.

Here’s where the mindset comes in…

Change can feel big and scary. It can bring up all the fears, all the doubts, all the “what ifs”.

And that’s because our brains are wired to keep us safe. Our subconscious mind wants to keep us safe. 

It doesn’t matter that our logical mind KNOWS that those changes are going to be good for us, that they’re going to help move us towards our goals, that they’re actually going to create MORE safety for us in the long term.

All the subconscious mind sees is CHANGE. It’s new, it’s different, it’s UNKNOWN. And that freaks us out no end. Or at the very least, it feels uncomfy.

So the number 1 mindset shift to grow to consistent cash is to…

Embrace CHANGE.

Embrace a NEW WAY of doing things.

You’ve gotta be willing to change things up and do things differently.

And I know that can be easier said than done.

So what I wanna do today is share some questions and reframes that will help you to shake up your thinking so you can get to that next level and start creating cash CONSISTENTLY in your business.

Let’s shake up your thinking…

The first thing I get my clients to do when fear and doubts come up is to face them head on.

To look at those fearful thoughts and doubts that are surfacing and go – okay, what are you afraid of here? What is the worst case scenario?

Often it’s nowhere near as bad as we think.

We avoid thinking about it and naming it because we’re afraid of what we might find OR we think we really “should” be focusing on the positive, and we end up burying our head in the sand pretending like those fears and doubts don’t exist.

But here’s the thing – those fears and doubts do exist. And right now they’re keeping you stuck in the same place, doing the same thing and therefore, getting the same results.

We need to create some level of safety for you to make the change you want to make – and ignoring the problem isn’t helping.

So ask yourself:

  • What are you afraid of? 

  • What scares you about making this change? 

  • What is the worst case scenario here? 

  • What is the worst that could happen?

It’s usually not as bad as you think. Say you make a change in your strategy, you create a new offer, you raise your prices – what’s the worst that could happen? It fails? 

What does that failure even look like? Maybe it’s embarrassing that you tried something and it didn’t work. Maybe it costs you the time you took to invest in creating it and launching it? Maybe it costs you some money – if you invested in support or a new platform or ads?

In the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that bad.

Of course we want things to work. Of course we don’t want to fail. But it’s true what they say – all successful people have failed at some point. But they choose to fail forward, to pick themselves up and dust themselves off and keep going. They choose to see failure as a learning opportunity. It’s not the end.

So worst case – it costs you your pride, your time and maybe some money.

But what is it costing you to not make that change? It’s likely already costing you your pride, your time and your money. So what have you got to lose?

What’s scarier? Staying where you are right now, on that income roller coaster with no way off? Or… having the courage to shake things up, do things differently and create a business that can actually create you consistent cash?

I know which one I’d be choosing.

Once you’ve gone to that place, played out the worst case scenario and realised that it’s not actually all that scary, in fact, staying where you are right now is scarier – then hopefully you’re feeling more safety around making the change you want and need to make in your business. You can release that breath you’ve been holding. Exhale.

The next thing that can be really helpful here is to take it to the other end of the spectrum and allow yourself to go there with what’s possible…

To connect in with your goal and your vision, to get really clear on what it means for you to:

  • Create consistent cash in your business each and every month

  • Have a healthy cash forecast with consistent income already locked in months in advance thanks to monthly recurring revenue

  • Have a business model that supports consistent cash months and is geared for continued growth

  • Have the confidence and clarity in what you need to do to bring in cash to your business consistently.

How does that feel? What does that mean for you?

Let’s do a little visualisation exercise.

I want you to close your eyes and visualise what it would be like to know that you have 10k, 20k, 30k in income locked in for the month ahead without you having to sell anything else. That’s already a done deal. Those sales have already been made.

Take note of how that feels in your body. Take note of what that would mean for you, for your family, for your lifestyle, for your creativity, for your relationship with your business.

Allow yourself to go there and connect with that vision, knowing that it IS possible for you.

Yes, there are changes you will need to make on the road to getting there, you will need to do things differently BUT it is possible.

This is what we want you to stay anchored in – the vision and the why.

When you are clear on WHY you are doing something, it is so much easier to stay the course and do what needs to be done, even if it feels challenging. If you’re not connected to the why, when things get hard, you’re much more likely to give up – because what’s the point? 

When you’re connected to the why, you know the point, there’s a north star guiding you on your path and supporting you to stay committed through the ups and downs, the wobbles and messy middle of it all.

Being in business isn’t always easy. Making changes in your business is definitely not easy. But the reward is worth it. The stability, the freedom, the ease, the spaciousness that consistent cash creates for you, is worth it.

So what does stability, freedom, ease and spaciousness create for you in your life?

Firstly, how can you get clear on what that looks and feels like for you? And then secondly, how can you stay connected and anchored into that vision?

This is what is going to support you with the mindset you need to grow to consistent cash.

Join Confident Consistent Cash

In this program, I’ll not only teach you what you need to do to create consistent cash in your business confidently but I’ll also support you with the implementation. 

I’ll walk alongside you as your coach for 4 months to provide you with the personalised support, strategy and accountability as you make those changes you need to make to start making cash consistently.

Mindset wobbles? I got you.
Questions about how to make something work for you? I’m there.
Not sure what your next step should be? We’ll work it out together.

Confident Consistent Cash is your 4 month roadmap to build your confidence and create consistent cash in your spiritual business.

We kick off next week – Monday 20th November. There’s still time to join us and I’d absolutely love to have you in this with me.

You can find out more at 


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